  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Perspective
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Perspective
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Perspective
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Perspective


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"No Matter The Perspective, I Will Always Be In Front Of You My Love"

- Romeo Probably



Perspective is a study on how our interpretation base on direction affects the conclusion we have constructed.

The purpose of this study is to create a common theme between the front and back side of a shirt. Therefore Perspective is perfect for this concept because the shirt dictates this idea that no matter where you look, the message will be the same. 


This was during the time I was thinking about what to do for my design Context. I was at the Auburn Rec Center and was running on the track field. Eventually I would be looking at people in-front of me, making me eager to pass them. And then it struck me, what design do I want people to read when they are running behind me?

I went back to the drawing board and drew a messy mockup

Basically a Caution Sign with the tag saying that there is an object in front of you. I then realized that flipping the ! symbol will look like a person i. Therefore formed the first iteration of Perspective in Adobe Illustrator.


In this mock-up, I basically just took a Caution Sign png file from the web and then drew the letters for CAUTION AHEAD and then I typed the word PERSON because I wanted to create a contrast between Handwritten content and Fixed content.

Afterwards I flipped the figure and created this sign as well

And as I always explain with designs like this, it is good, but not enough. 

One thing I noticed as I was working on is the tools that I utilize in Adobe Illustrator. Therefore I implemented the selection and rotation tools into the design such as this

Hopefully it is clear that I am trying to 180 the design to get the display.

Well considering the design is finalized.

I also wanted to try out making an "alt version"

However that is up to debate whether or not I want to release this version because the upside down version will look too yellow for my taste.


Basically the final designs were already set. This is the front

And this is the back

Because the idea is no matter where you are looking at my shirt, it will always be in front of you.

Simple, but effective design and I quite enjoy laughing at the inside joke whenever I take this shirt out for a run.

Perspective is meant to have you always face this design, and only this design.